Desert Mirage Members and Guests
The coronavirus pandemic has caused each of us to take inventory of life and how our normal lives have become abnormal. Abnormal refers to changes in the way we “use to” live our lives at work, play and worship. With the recent CDC Guidelines encouraging all to get vaccinated, mobility has been restricted in where we go and what we do as a people. Much of what we do is in a state of waiting, anxiety and restricted activities in which groups of people gather, especially indoors. Masks are optional at Desert Mirage as we continue to monitor the spread of the virus. However, wear your mask if you prefer, or we will provide a mask if needed. We will continue to monitor the guidelines established by the CDC for preventing the spread of the virus and implement additional procedures if necessary to ensure cleanliness, sanitation. and safety.
Desert Mirage is open and ready to serve our Members and Guest using precautions to create and maintain safe ways to enjoy golf. Golf Courses provide a recreational activity played outdoors with a player’s own equipment, 2-4 players in an open space allowing for safe social distancing (now you have a valid excuse). We are very concerned about the wellness of our Members and Guests and will continue to evaluate updated regulations and adjust our operations to help you feel comfortable and at ease during your round of golf.
I know you have heard all the reminders about preventative actions to avoid the spread of the virus. Well, here are additional reminders to keep the community and staff safe.
What the Golfer Can Do
- If you are sick, or have recently been sick, stay home and play after you feel better.
- If you have a fever, dry cough, short breath, call your family doctor; do not play golf.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water and sanitize.
- Display social distancing (6ft apart) to avoid close contact, by waving or giving other players a nod when greeting or departing.
- Cover up when coughing or sneezing using the inside of your sleeved arm and refrain from touching your nose or face.
What Desert Mirage is Doing
- Frequently sanitize counters tops, entrance/exit door handles, beverage cooler door handles.
- Spray/wipe down ice and water dispensing machine.
- Regularly sanitize Clubhouse restrooms and wipe down touch points.
- Wipe down and sanitize credit card terminal/stylus and pens signing for carts.
- Daily wipe down phones and computers.
- Sanitize cart steering wheel, gear lever, arm chair handles and dashboard.
Thank you for teaming up with Desert Mirage to do what is in the best interest and best good for Members, Guests and the Community. Enjoy your game and exercise safety during your round.
Desert Mirage Management, Fred Barr, PGA / General Manager